Monday, January 17, 2011

Back at It: An Introduction to Paddy's blogging

As I am entering my final semester of master's work I have decided to resume blogging after an eighteen month layoff. Much to your delight, I presume from some of the personal comments I have received, I hope to engage more with some of the books I am reading, from theological works to Scripture, and interact less with specific research topics that I am currently working on. I hope that this change will engage my readers more and provide me with the opportunity to wrestle more with topics of Christian spirituality (or precisely put, Christ-following) and current affairs.
The more and more I interact with grade-schoolers and 20 to 30-somethings, the more I realize how little we as a generation really interact with the culture around us from a Biblical worldview. A few weeks back I read D.A. Carson's Christ and Culture Revisited and was particularly struck by his analysis of the Baby Boomer generation (more or less those born from 1946-1964) and Generation X (more or less 1965-1976). While I will defer a full analysis of these generations to my sociological counterparts, suffice it to say that each of these generations made significant turns from the worldviews of their preceding generations, particularly in how they considered Christianity, culture, and work. The world they created and promoted was the world that my generation (Generation Y, Echo Boomers, 1976-1991) grew up in, and, subsequently, the world we have reacted to/against. Isn't it interesting how many of our parents (speaking to the 20 and 30 somethings) worked tirelessly their entire lives to succeed in business and climb the corporate ladder compared to how many of us have either intentionally or unintentionally have reacted against that model to seek jobs in the marketplace that are "more fulfilling" or will have a "greater impact."
Again, I could go into great detail on this topic and reference numerous friends who have spoken these exact desires to me. However, my purposes here are simply to say, that Christians today are earnestly seeking to find meaning in all that they do, and yet, many are lost at how to do so. Many suffer from lack of example, others from lack of training. Most have grown up in a church and Christian culture that is more interested in "Christian debt-relief" and "Purpose-driven" Christianity rather than simply opening the Scriptures and explaining their meanings. Many in our churches are simply Biblically illiterate.
My hope with this blog is to at least entertain some topics in theology and discipleship that will challenge us to become more Biblical-centric Christians and less 21st c. American Christians. Many of the topics will emanate from things I, myself, am reading and wrestling with. Others will come from news events/stories that I find interesting. I call the blog "of Vision over Visibility" from a lyric from U2's single "Moment of Surrender." I love this song and this lyric because it accentuates how man is prone to see the things right before him in culture and in life, and yet, is utterly blind to Truth and seeing things as they really are. I hope that this blog will help us both have Christ's vision for our lives and for the world.


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