Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Should a Christian refuse gay guests at a B&B?

To catch you up, here's the article I came across this evening on the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-12214368

I won't comment on whether or not the ruling against the owners of the B&B is just or not because, frankly, I have no clue how English discrimination laws work. What I wondered as I read this article was what the proper Christian response should be in such an instance. If you owned a hotel and a gay couple asked for a single room, would you admit or refuse them? What would the Bible advise? I don't think they should be refused as restaurant or store, but when you operate a business that concerns sleeping together, do you have an additional responsibility to encourage righteous living and refuse service to those who are seeking to live contrary to God's laws? If you would refuse the gay couple, would you also refuse the unmarried couple? I would think you would have to for the sake of consistency. In fact, I know of a few places, and counties where unmarried couples cannot sign a lease together for a home (I had a co-worker find himself in this precise situation years ago before he got married). Are such places to be commended or are they being "un-loving?"

As I myself think through this issue this evening, I'd welcome any thoughts of your own!

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