Opponents of Creation Care argue that evangelicals should focus their attention only on moral issues. Yet, if morality is defined as the principles and topics which distinguish good behavior from wrong behavior, then treating the earth properly as God commanded man to do ranks as equal a “moral issue” as abortion or homosexuality. Jesus ranked only two commandments of superiority over the rest; therefore, believers should regard the rest of Christ’s commands equally without denouncing some in favour of promoting others.
In Genesis, God gives man dominion over all creation, charging him to its maintenance and care. Sailhamer argues that the Hebrew words of 2:15 are best translated as “worship” and “obey.” From this interpretation it is clearly shown that man’s care over himself, his family, and his world are vital, and essential, components to his right worship of God. Though the earth is not equal to man, who is the imago Dei, it still is of significant importance to God and should be cared for and not abused. The earth ultimately is for man’s rest and enjoyment and nourishment. Its abuse not only denies God of His fullest worship, but bears practical, negative consequences for man.
The Bible demonstrates that even though sin corrupted Creation, the earth is still to be cared for and maintained. Unfortunately, because of sin, man’s task in its maintenance, and moreover, in directing it in worship to God, is far more difficult and greater than in the Garden. Nevertheless, man maintained dominion over the earth after the Fall and the commands of Genesis 1:28 and 2:15 continue to hold. Christ’s entire ministry, as well, points to the continual importance of all of creation and its inclusion in redemption. Paul writes that creation groans and suffers the impact of sin but that it, too, is to be redeemed in Christ.
Believers understand deeply the tension between the “already” and “not yet” that Christ brings to the earth. Through His death and resurrection, sin was defeated and the new age was inaugurated. Yet, in His perfect wisdom and will God waits for its complete fulfillment and the establishment of the new earth. The earth, together with believers, waits in this eschatological anticipation. Christians should not simply allow the destruction of the earth because they know it will be made perfect by God, but rather should uplift it and value creation because of its prominent place in the Kingdom of Christ.
Just as in all matters of righteousness in Christian life, believers do not obey the prescripts of Scripture in an effort to be a rule-keeping people, but because in their transformed hearts they desire God and to worship and love Him. A heart that recognizes its Creation-set command to worship and obey God does not care for the environment because specific passages in the Bible say so. Rather, a heart of worship seeks to conserve and preserve the earth because God simply loves His creation. Scripture declares that Christians are co-heirs with Christ to be glorified with Him and rule over Creation. That responsibility, based on the love of Christ which believers are driven by, calls for direct action in this age to prevent global warming, resource depletion, and environmental destruction as a Creation command and ordinance.
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